Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Winter at beach burrito in bondi..

hi all,
well its definitely winter now, we had our first cyclonic storm over the queen's birthday long weekend,
all our customers were nearly (or were) swept away, the beach relocated to the car park, and we closed for the first time ever at night on Saturday night (which happened to be my birthday).
We had an impromptu dinner celebration at bondi trattoria with Andrew and Posie, Carol & Barry and Craig and his lovely new girlfriend Mimi, who were over from Tokyo visiting. The waiter made eyes at Barry, we all laughed, and the storm raged outside..

Monday being a public holiday, and the first calm, blue sky in three days was a busy one down at BBC, with Blake and I running around all day and night - good trading - nice...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Our new car - the bbc mobile!

after alot of umming and arring..we finally got a NEW CAR!!!!
this is really big news when you've moved countries, and inherited 1 x banana yellow datsun 200b and 1 x silver 1985 bmw...neither of which has a heater, ac, cd player (kissy car had no radio either), so here is our new baby's view whilst we work...
and here is our gorgeous little thing. now back in the states, this is a cheap, 1st car out of high school vehicle, so it took us a bit to get our heads around it being considered more of a luxury small vehicle in australia... dont get us started... we're not living in the past drewballs, we're focussing on the here and now!
now, the numberplate is actually a complete coincedence, (one that even i had to be convinced of), all cars of this age have bbc not just the beach burrito co owners)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dad's 60th birthday at Whitewater, Manly

Emma & HaydenDad & Jules
Dad & Posie
get happy!!
Dad, me and Jules

Monday, October 16, 2006

Our beautiful wedding

We got married on September 16th
2006 in Mittagong at Corterre Parc,
my auntie and uncle's property.
It was the best day ever...
Very special to be married at a family place, with all our special family and friends around us.
We wish we could do it again, and
again, and again.. though i dont think
any of our parents do! i think they are quite relieved its over..

Wedding girls and parents

Aimee, Sophie, Alex, Me, Isabella, Bianca, Amy and Lucie at Mum's house beforehand

afterwards in the garden...

with rob, my second dad..

and posie, my other mother...